Author Archives: admin

Vancouver Golf & Country Club Gets Blinged!

Vancouver Golf & Country Club wedding reception

Great for weddings and special events alike (and voted one of Vancouver’s Top Golf Venues for Weddings) the Vancouver Golf & Country Club, sets a beautiful setting for nature enthusiasts that prefer to stick close to urban amenities.  Nestled in the trees in bustling Coquitlam, B.C., this golf club gives visitors lots of natural beauty with some city views to boot.  What a great location to host that special event.

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A Very Simpson Bar Mitzvah!


Are you unsure how you would like to decorate your event?  Try choosing a theme.

Having a theme, whether it is based on colour or motif, is an excellent launch pad to the day’s overall feel.  Case in point, we were recently asked to provide chair covers for a bar mitzvah at the Congregation Schara Tzedeck in Vancouver where the theme was to be the “Simpsons” TV show.

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A Soft Wedding Palette, Adorns
Vancouver’s Historical Cecil Green

Pink & Latté organza sashes on white banquet chair covers

Cecil Green – U.B.C. (Feb 14, 2014)

We visit many beautiful wedding venues all over the Lower Mainland on a very regular basis but some always stand out even after having dressed them for the first time or for the 100th time. One such Vancouver wedding venue is Cecil Green at U.B.C.

This wonderfully preserved mansion sits just off the main campus and boasts a spectacular view of its immaculately landscaped ocean front lawn with awesome views of the water.

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Organza Sashes or Taffeta
What’s In, What’s Out?

Coral Taffeta Sashes for an outdoor summer wedding ceremony.

Coral Taffeta Sashes for an outdoor summer wedding ceremony.

Burgundy Organza Sashes for a Winter Wedding.

Burgundy Organza Sashes for a Winter Wedding.

At some point during the wedding planning, all couples end up with information overload. From the flowers to the music, everyone will offer their opinion on what they feel is right or wrong.

Well, chair covers are no different. White vs ivory covers, fitted covers vs loose, or organza vs taffeta sashes….how do you make the right decision?

I have been in the wedding industry and more specifically in the chair cover business since 1994. I have seen trends come and go. For example, in the mid nineties, we used spandex covers exclusively. And, for an accent, we used spandex bands with metallic gold or silver bows attached to them. Later, the trend changed to tulle bows on the bands, then the tulle bows were used as sashes. And finally, the trend dictated that we all use organza sashes and later taffeta sashes. Currently, organza and mainly taffeta are the favourites and more recently, we are seeing an increased interest in spandex bands again.

But, how do you choose? What is the sash fabric of choice in 2014 weddings?

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Chair Covers – One Size Fits All?

Round Back Chair Covers

Round Back Chair Covers

Crown Back Chair Covers

Crown Back Chair Covers

Square Back Banquet Chairs

Square Back Banquet Chairs

High Back Banquet Chair Covers

High Back Banquet Chair Covers

A cover is a cover is a cover, right?

WRONG! The cover must suit the size and shape of the chair and unfortunately, not all banquet chairs are created equal.

So, the chair covers are too small, will anyone really notice?

The answer to that is a resounding YES! The main reason for using chair covers is to unify the room in a coherent style and colour. If the main unifying factor lacks in its own appearance, it will instantly make your entire decor seem sloppy. Keep in mind, that the chair covers are at eye level and as a result, will be the decor element that your guests will notice first.

How to avoid a chair cover misfit?

There are many ways to avoid the unfortunate ill fitted cover. For one, you can ask your venue what style chairs they use for their events. If their response is “standard banquet chair”, do more research. All venues believe their chairs are “standard banquet chairs” but in reality, there are many different types of “standard banquet chairs” which result in different height, and width dimensions.

So, then you must ask the venue if they could be more specific. For example, are their chairs round backs, crown backs, square backs, high backs etc. Armed with this information, you can approach a reputable chair cover supplier to inquire if they carry chair covers for the specific chair you are trying to cover.

And, finally, do an on site fitting. Make sure you know what you’re getting before your wedding day. No one likes surprises on the big day!

Chairs Covers and Weddings – A Match Made in Heaven!



{Before & After – The venue is a gymnasium!}

Wedding date, check. Wedding dress, check. Wedding venue, check. Now what?

Well, if the main components of your wedding planning are complete, it means that it is now time to start working on details. The details in weddings, or in any special event for that matter, make all difference between a unique and memorable experience and an average event.

Chair covers are one detail that not only offer the opportunity to create something memorable in your decor, but they also offer a unique quality to transform any room into something quite special.

From the elegant and formal to the casual and fun, the chair cover world has evolved to offer something for every style and wedding theme.

“Chairs with Flair” has been serving the wedding and event industry since 1994 and has seen many changes over the last twenty years but in the end, one thing remains true: the right cover on the right chair in the right room will turn any event into an “affair to remember”.